Friday, October 9, 2009

Advantages of being Bilingual

Advantages of being Bilingual
I think we can get great advantages by being bilingual because we can obtain more opportunities than people who are not bilingual. For example, we can communicate smoothly with people who are from another country. Since I came to the U.S., I sometimes feel if I could speak English more smoothly, or I could speak another language, I could communicate with other people more easily. It is hard for me to communicate with someone in English. Actually, I have some friends who are bilingual. They communicate with others like they are native speakers. I think it is a really great thing! Also, we can make our way of thinking wider because if we could communicate with someone who is from another country like both of us are from the same country, we could speak a lot of things and exchange our thinking. That would make our way of thinking wider. In addition, when we plan to go somewhere, almost all people worry about speaking another language. If people are bilingual, they can go anywhere more freely than people who are not bilingual, and they can see and feel a lot of things. That also helps us to have a wide range of thinking. Other advantages of being bilingual are we can study another culture more easily. We can read books which were written in another language. The book which was translated to another language is sometime the book that has wrong translation or doesn't have exactly same word as original one. Also, we can see movies without captions. I think to seeong movies is a good way to know other cultures. When we can see movies without any captions, that is amazing! Moreover, we probably have more opportunities to get interesting or high-paying jobs than people who are not bilingual because the company considers people who are bilingual as useful people when they need to negotiate with another country’s people. Bilingual people will make negotiations more smooth. Another reason to be bilingual needs a lot of effort, so companies evaluate our effort. For the above reasons, we can get great advantages by being bilingual.

TOEFl iBT practice

Compare from myself today and 5 yaers ago.
I would like to write what is different myself today and 5 years ago. I like read books when I was child. Also, I still like it! Actually, my parents doesn't read so much but my grandparents like read books. Threre were so many books around me when I was child because of my grandparents. But I always read easy novels not literature. My mom worried about it. She always suggested me I shoud be read more difficult book, yet it was not intersting for me until when I went to high school. 5 years ago, I was 15 years old and I was high scool student. In my Japanese class, I read Japanese literature. It was so intersting. Before I read this book, I read Japanese literature for once or twice because I thougt it was not fun. In fact, it is interesting because we can shere the felling of it even it wrote 100 years ago. If our situation or envronment were totally different, we can understand how he felt.I think that is amazing. Nowadays, ofcourse I sometimes read easy novels but I read some Japanese or other country's literature.

Friday, October 2, 2009

About Julia Roberts

Julia Roverts is a very famous actress in the world. She was born in Atranta on Octorber 28, 1967. Her parents were both actor and actress and when she was a child they ran the school of musical. Actually, her parents divorced when she was little but her brother already become the actor. She talked with her brother after their parents divorced and she was getting wants to be an actress in the future. After she graduaed from high school, she went to New York and went to school of musical and she pursued a career in acting. In 1990, "Pretty Woman" made her popluar. Because of this movie, she nominated the Oscar in that year. In 2001, she recived the Academy Award for best Actress for "Erin Brockovich". She was in a lot of other movies. Her famous films are "My best friend's wedding"," Notting Hill', "Ocians Eleven" etc. Nowadays, she became so famous and her casting fee is over $2bilion. Also, she debuted broadway in 2006. The tickets of her musical were difficult to get in that time. The tickets were sold nearly US$1 million dollars during first week which were sold. She chose this musical for the first works after her childlen was born. She is shooting new movies now.


Friday, September 25, 2009

My great homestay

I would like to write about my homestay life. I was worry about start the new life in the U.S. because it is my first time to study abroad and when I arrived here I didn't have any place to live in. I went to International student Service Office and asked them "I don't have any place to live in, so could you help me to find the place to live in." They recommended to me homestay. Actually, I didn't want to be homestay student because I heard from my friends "It's ganble!" If I would stay with nice people. It's great,but if the hostfamily is not nice, I have to suffered hard time. As a result, I won the ganble! I'm really lucky. My hostmom is really nice person and she is good at cooking. She everyday makes me delicious food. The food are not only American's meel but also Mexican, Italian or any kinds of food. The most surprising things is we have many common favor. For example, when I and my hostmom went to shopping, we chose same fragrance.When we went to restauran we ordered same kind of food. I think that's amazing. Moreover, her sons , their girlfriend and their children are so nice. I'm really grad to meet my hostfamily and stay with them.

A memorable event

A memorable event.
The most memorable event for me is a school trip. When I was 17 years old, I went to Kyushu with my classmates. It was an only one week but I had a lot of great experiences on this trip. There were really great. On this trip, our class performed a dance in front of other classes. That was the most memorable event on the school trip. We practiced the dance about 2 weeks. We asked our teacher to give us the class time to practice the dance.She said "ok," but she was really surprised. I won’t forget her face when we asked her about that. Our school uniform was a really traditional one, so we made a decision to wear the girl’s school uniform on the stage even people who were a guy. It was strange, but it was really funny! We did a great job performing the dance. It was hard to practice because we didn’t have enough time to do that. Many people were busy with in some kind of sports club team or something. It was difficult for us to make time. However, we wanted to our performance to be good, so we made time to practice our dance. After we arrived Kyusyu, we made a time to practice. Actually, our class already had a great relationship each other. Also, my classmates were very nice. I think it worked well to perform the dance. I probably won’t forget these things forever. That’s all.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The place which I want to go

The place which I want to go.
If I could visit anywhere in the world, I want to go to Italy because I never go there before.
I heard from my friends or my mom about Italy. They said Italian food is really good! So, I want to go to Italy and eat Italian food. Also, I really like shose.Italy is one of the famouse country about shose. I want to look for some shose. And I want to go to Roma to see some famouse spot.

My favorit place which I have been.
I think France is one of the best country which I visited. I went to France about 3 years ago. That was my first time to visit Europe. I was surprised because it was diffrent from country which I already visited. I went to palece of Versailles. It was so beautiful. Also, the food was good.

A Preson Who Has Made a Difference:Natsume Soseki

The Greatest Novelist: Natsume Soseki.
Natsume Soseki was born in Tokyo on February 9, 1867. He graduated from Tokyo University, the department of English literature. His picture was printed on the 1000 yen note because he is one of the famous novelists in Japan. His first occupation was a teacher. After he quit his job, he worked at the newspaper company. In fact his job was not only novelist. He wrote novels when his job was not busy. His major works are “Call me a Cat," “And Then,"“Botchan” and “Kokoro." He wrote a lot of works in his life. His ideal concept of his life is called “Sokutenkyoshi” in Japanese, which means “Throw yourself and live naturally." When he worked at the newspaper company the government told him to go to the United Kingdom and he went there to study English literature. He married his wife in June 1896. They had two sons and five daughters. He passed away when he was fifty years old. He died of a stomach ulcer but he had a lot of illness in his life. He brought many effects on Japanese literature.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Introducuing myself

Introducing myself

Hello! I would like to introduce myself to you. I am astudent from country of Japan. My mother tongue is Japanese. I was born in Shinagawa,Tokyo. I graduated from high school in Tokyo. I came to the United States about twenty days ago with my mother. She is a counselor and my father works at a travel agency. I have a dog as a pet. She is so cute. I came to the United States because I didin't pass the entrance exam. So, I want to change my life here. I want to speak English more fluently and study legal and polotical science at the University of californa,Los Angeles. I hope to become a lawyer in the futuere. I don't think I have any other special talents. My hobby is going shopping ,reading books and listening to music. I like to go to the beach because I like it threre. I grew up near the beach. That's all.

Friday, September 4, 2009

ALP assignment,introducing my friend

Introducing my friend
Hello! I would like to introduce to introduce my friend to you. Her English name is wynne.
She was born in kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Her father is a business man, and her mother’s occupation is accounting. She has a younger brother. He is high school student now. She works at restaurant as a waitress for once a week. Her favorite subject is English and her major in the university is
English. She don’t like math. She came to the United States because she wants to improve her
English. She thinks English is important in the world. Her goal is to pass the TOEFL exam and get the
Master's degree. She wants to study computer science or hotel management. She uses internet to
look some homepage and chat with her friends in her free time. Her hobby is taking pictures.
That’s all!