Friday, September 25, 2009

My great homestay

I would like to write about my homestay life. I was worry about start the new life in the U.S. because it is my first time to study abroad and when I arrived here I didn't have any place to live in. I went to International student Service Office and asked them "I don't have any place to live in, so could you help me to find the place to live in." They recommended to me homestay. Actually, I didn't want to be homestay student because I heard from my friends "It's ganble!" If I would stay with nice people. It's great,but if the hostfamily is not nice, I have to suffered hard time. As a result, I won the ganble! I'm really lucky. My hostmom is really nice person and she is good at cooking. She everyday makes me delicious food. The food are not only American's meel but also Mexican, Italian or any kinds of food. The most surprising things is we have many common favor. For example, when I and my hostmom went to shopping, we chose same fragrance.When we went to restauran we ordered same kind of food. I think that's amazing. Moreover, her sons , their girlfriend and their children are so nice. I'm really grad to meet my hostfamily and stay with them.


  1. Congratilations!! You are very lucky because not always the homestays are good. So lucky you!!

  2. Congratilations. I am happy for you and I wish you enjoy your staying.
